This is how it is dialectic -- we thought we were implementing our chosen and self-decided group destiny, but we dialectically arrived at place with a person so it is as if Plato chose him. The instrument and vehicle of this deception was the Harvard University, MIT pair. Aaron Schwartz was another dialectic victim through the highly unethical influneces of ethical leader Lessing -- our true, "liberal/progressive" enemy (what do we do now? -- no place to go but within)
Below is a link to my notes, which I am attempting organize while updating based on this on-going, exceedingly important event that is becoming "phenomic"
Link to Notes on Oddmuse (CLICK)
About the notes -- Searches on Snowden
inevitably lead to Aaron Schwartz, who killed himself during his
prosecution for attempting to "liberate" J-Store academica material. He
was mentored by Lessing, Harvard ethics leader -- perhaps the world
ethics leader. While a socratic link from Lessing to Schwartz's death is
hypothetical, the relationship adds yet another data point to the
greater hypothesis that academia exists largely to assure that
"revolutionary process" brings us right back to the point at which we
started, and the dialectic process develops seemingly self-appointed
mini-guards (from Aaron Beck), and now, perhaps even martyrs, such as
Schwartz. Here Lessing "chats" with Schwartz: Schwartz is definitely underaged, and Lessing's body langauge cannot be mistaken.