"knock-out" gene: 2 KO sequences plus high IQ Protecting bloodlines
especially includes protecting two KOed sequences: anti-empathy
preventing "pollution" by normal empathic DNA sequences (royal bastards)
this is where high-end religion and industry mutually-benefit keeping
empathic sequences defective w/o inbreeding is the challenge for
aristocracy, capital families and perhaps the reason for oligarchy esp
hegelian (other than information manipulation, perversion of meaning)
perhaps the greatest "gift" of globalism as defective sequences can be
over-lapped with un-related DNA preventing the overlapping of other
sequences (such as autism** components) // also prevent physycal markers
such as disfiguration (ugly is as ugly does) **anti-empathy is an
autism component as HFA also labeled aspergers but.. the anti-empathic
are way ahead, as always, as you will see there may be a temptation to
describe hegelianism as "democratic" because it reaches into the lower
strata of oligarchic structure but it is not // it is auxiluary (I think
they call it) "industrial" anti-empathy ='s pure rationality (no
feeling of others' feelings) and over-drive (psychosis, lack of control
underlying greed) suggesting two defective sequences a much greater
"alternate DNA" to maintain // there is no doubt that the current core
is industrial w/ highly-capitalized capitalization at its "capo" //
auschwitz as the defining nazism was "ground breaking" process
improvement, 300 dead per day to 3000 w/ modernist suburban housing for
Hoss, his family and other executives levitt of long island is, of
course, credited w/ the subdivision "ranch house" but, apparently, it
has roots surronding auschwitz: spawning ground for defective finally.. a
clean solution! -- GMO KO addresses a serious threat that the
multi-cultural solution to knockout maintainace solution preseents,
which is that the genetic diversity creawted by multiculture may actully
"fix" the anti-empathic and over-drive KOs, which happens, racial
fusion IS a reliable cure for genetic illness, and further, racism, the
most traditional method of obtaining human capital is also threatened.
Thus, carefully protected KO bloodlines might want to go w/ GMO knockout
techniques. For instance, KO families can even adopt from the general
genetic pool, and yet feel sure that their heirs will never feel for
another, and that they will chase the golden ring (be it capital,
medicine or military) with the wild abandon necessary for success.
However, the GMO KO can only guarentee only sociopathy, and not the IQ
necessary for the rational control of psychosis ever notice how
knockouts are such a pain b4 their coffee?
the knockout (KO)
concept probably can probably be extended to neurology as well as DNA as
whole neural constructs can be "KO'd" with trauma, or mental
programming that leverages trauma dialectic/didactic along w/ wholesale
deceptions such as paranoia of other races, ie the Western Civilization
of the original oligarchy, the academy, as opposed to European Democracy
founded in the open (marble) structures of Athens -- a purely genetic
model cannot explain the high apathy rates nor guilt concepts such as
"just world hypothesis" (to blame the victim), but the genetic
explanation easily lays blame on the core control structures such as
govt, edu and corps, that admit to leveraging narcissism, a serious
personaly disorder --what hitler had September 8, 2014 at 7:41am ·
September 8, 2014 at 7:43am mutt!!!! royal GMO KOs having dropped-out
throught processes conviently filled with paranoia to generate the false
fears of hate necessary to steal whole nations: Palastine normal genes
would leak into the royal bloodline if not protected: BASTARDIZATION
(assuming normally-empathic genes in the interlopers), the restoration
of normalcy that has happened in many nations, but not Britian ("nor
will it ever" --People Magazine) ie, fuck royalty w/o protection
September 9, 2014 at 6:43am nazism was clearly connected to industry
irrespective of religion, but nazism and the KKK in the USA is the
domain of backwoods defectives with some rock and roll punkers, and also
harley bikers (and thus cops) -- the inbred cruelty that is the
empathic sequence KO that dominance protects probably has its roots in
killing animals, esp cattle in the cattle -> chattle -> capital
continum rather than the (convienient) tribal-fuedal model, war, it
seems comes later and is an annexation-extention to local property
control (hence property rights of the libertarians who are nazis: Koch),
long after animal/human domiance through genetic KOs
-- |
September 10, 2014 at 8:22am · U R MEAT // this man was a vegetarian
jewish revoluionary, so please stop trying to kill him 's photo.
September 10, 2014 at 7:54am · · 1 funny though, how animal rights has
so many terrorists rationalizing their cruelty.. like they kno sumthing,
I have thot about this a long time -- seems they are core capital KO
(usually corp feminists w/ exceedingly high intelligence), enough to
figure out that vegetarians will ultimately win, so they want to get
there first to hold positions of power to carry out cruelty -- but why
cruelty? answer: they had so much success (reward) with cruelty in
corporate management (or academia) that it provides them with a mediated
glandular response even w/o significant reward (like obsessed gamblers)
-- the idea is so obviously unrealistic it indicates magical thinking
(schizophrenia) September 10, 2014 at 8:05am · another interesting
factoid is how uncontrolled behaviors (psychosis) are controlled by
religions obsessions (another pschosis, usually introjected...)
September 10, 2014 at 8:00am · that is what I was thinking, esp a
psychotic/schizophrenic ex-gf you used religion that way, but hung
around the worst crack heads -- another example is the US govt, it was
too mentally ill to respond to reports that Saudi nationals were getting
flight instruction only in flying a 747 and not landing it or taking
off... the school that trained the 9/11 terrorists told the CIA and was
ignored -- So now the US uses the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD,
now called obsess-compul-impuls continuum but really a psychosis) of
customs/border/immigration abuse to control the problem its own mental
illnesses caused -- same is true w/ drugs: the US govt was the biggest
drug importer enabler in the early days, and now runs, this huge "war on
drugs" --corruption as sociopathic disorder is not a new idea, but the
idea that sociopathic disorder controls sociopathic disorder is new
(pict from 70s) -- this shows a (social) maladaption to a maladaption,
rather than the common maladaption to a genetic disorder (or trauma,
which doesn't really count as that tends to "blame" the victim, a
practice common among all including nazis and jews as well-demonstrated
by CBT Aron Beck's daughter, psychologist Judith Beck...) Here I mean
Jewish as a culture and sociology, rather than religion, because it
shows the Jewish talent for adapting Plato's Republic/dialectic also
called neoplatonism (gentiles preferred, and still perfer,
socrates/plato man-boy genetalia). Nonetheless though the current rise
to NYC/World-financial dominance (Judaism is NYC's current dominant
culture) leverages old-testament (talmud) strategies of mass
reproduction and revolutionlutionary sabotage (exodus!!!!) // it does
fall into the troublesome category of ancient empire that has lasted far
too long along w/ Romanism, Hinduism, and Confucianism -- The ego-cult
of he western empire is, of course, is best-described by Freud (I had
them living upstairs), who is said to represent current Jewish
philosophy and underlies the existentialism from which the ubermensch
arose: both hitler's model of a super human and the ever-desirable
"penis w/ a wallet" of the liberated jewish american princess, corporate
feminist and animal rights terrorist... all this can be found on FB if
you friend the "right/wrong" people, though this history comes down to
Connecticut's Kissinger (Yale) in th eend and his operation paperclip
after WWII, (housing tracts? super highways? intifada?) and bombing of
Laos along the Chinese border with more TNT tonnage than all of WWII to
force it to open its markets to globalsim. Vietnam: the war crime fought
and won by the numbers: empiricism becomes globalism September 11, 2014
at 8:26am · · 1 am I beat-en ?? Am I bea the Jewish left of the 60s is
the Israeli right the Jewish left of the 60s is the Israeli right god
created in DNA a perfect information system that consistently self-heals
:revolution (anti-theticalism) is subverting god thru (freudian) incest
(for synthesis)? same exact problem everywhere, no exceptions except
still-free aboriginal (gaels?) September 11, 2014 at 8:28am · 1 god
created in DNA a perfect information system that consistently self-heals
:revolution (anti-theticalism) is subverting god thru (freudian) incest
(for synthesis)? same exact problem everywhere, no exceptions except
still-free aboriginal (gaels?) September 11, 2014 at 10:51am thanks all
for your support, when I said "same exact problem everywhere," I cite
this particular culture, after the Gritish Rex family, because it is a)
the culture that surrounded me as a child, and had profound influences
that probably cannot be changed, b) was the Left of NYC that was
supposedly the peace movement, but was really about rationalizing dope
thru medical (weberman who ultimately self-revealed as an anti-black
racist--crown heights) to ultimately support the long-desired Israeli
extermination of the Philistines (Palestine) c) is the dominant culture
in the financial center of the world (having as many "pure" members than
Tel Aviv) and d) most importantly, gave us the wealthiest NYer who
formed the anti-Semitic, anti-Black, and anti-health care Tea Party --
if you buy the equation above, this culture was the most successful at
protecting its KO'd blood lines while promoting IQ over all other mental
functions to allow neo-Platonic control of Western civilization, with
civilization being the verb of mass law-making over the masses, where
corporate neo-liberalization is the legalization of corporate crime
against humanity (puts my friend AK and the other Yips in a bind) in other words, on par w/ every
civilization, just most successfu l
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