This effort initiated as an inquiry into the Occupy Wall Street movement to attempt explain the activist frustration that every success is necessarily followed by overwhelming failure. A hypothesis was created that there is a copy of the problem in every solution, and that problem was quickly identified as "the dialectic." Early notes (that are on older pages of this blog) resulted in a short but well-supported paper that was instantly --and violently-- suppressed across the board, significantly by leftist OpEdNews and "open" Wiktionary editors: I knew I had something. The opposing wiki editor was so vehement that he (or perhaps she, --as all are sock puppets these days) broke a full set of newly implemented rules and was forced to restore the link I had provided to the initial paper. The initial paper was hidden (here) on a "ghost wiki." but has, nonetheless achieved a high page ranking over time.
Initially, I thought I was just offering a novice but classical treatment of Western philosophy in the current context, but, apparently, I unmasked something like the "mother of all secret societies," which logically follows is academia.
Brief status updates
The current thinking (which is "western") is that the a narrow strain broke out of Pale of Jewish Settlement to create a secular, civic construct focused on government that mirrors Christ's "break out" that ultimately became Christianity. In this writing, it is called the "Jewish humanistic," and is viewed as a narrow beam that was extinguished by the Holocaust, but nonetheless was highly-influential. Evidence of it can be seen very early Zionism, but changed, in this view, because of the "Wingate contagion."
Color coding: Red, Black, Green and White
By applying object-orientation to the political landscape of the Jewish "pale," color-coding emerges: Black, Green, Red, and, last but not least, White. In-so-doing, Green (us) looks good, Red has benefits, but can be "bolshevik," Black is supportive, but crazy, and White has no place with humanity. You might be thinking "this is too absolute," objectivity reveals, but tends to be too accurate. Royalty is White as is Cossack, and guilty of all the pogroms, and in the context of the Russian revolution, is capital. However, there was a Cossack group opposed to pogroms, and Habsburg royalists did come out as anarchists in the end. Perhaps to moderate the stark objectivity is mixed-colors; Marx would be pink as he mixed Red socialism with White capital inheritied from Hegel who got it from Adam Smith. This political color-coding is revealing, but creates undesireable absolutes.
Genuine socialism in Eastern European Judaism similar to Christ's Christianity
In contrast to the beneficial narrow beam of light (emerging through thick clouds from "the pale" of the past) that I am attempting to identify, is the reality of the instability in the Middle East that appears to be the work of Europe after the Ottoman breakup, with Wingate's maladaption being the controlling agent as a contagion that permanently turned Jews and Arabs against each other. This suggests that by rolling the clock back to that time, and moving forward without the agent, all can be set right again. Obviously, this would have to be done mentally (not costing anything), and can be phenomenologically, or phonemically, applied to any cultural conflict (including animals and the environment) by leveraging knowledge that the core problem has been the empowerment of maladaption (to empathic genetic defects) as beneficial, such as greed in Adam Smith's economics, and psychopathology during war.
Pacifists hold the moral high ground
Pacifism probably provides the most effective strategic leverage, and is obviously moral --and thus evolutional. Stating it, and practicing it, are effective, but not enough. For instance, the Muslim Brotherhood's historical approach was purely-pacifistic, but today it is on a number of terror group lists. When reading the Brotherhood's early material, I saw its desire for an Allah-only world and asked myself "how are you going to achieve that except through violence?" Their problem, I believe, is that they want to extend their moral approach to others with a different approach, which guaranteed conflict ; one should not have absolute expectations.
Underlying evidence for this writing
A power struggle within the deliberately-leaderless Occupy movement gave initial support to the hypothesis that "there is a copy of the very problem within every liberation movement that the movement is attempting to solve." Initially thought to be "corporate oligarchy," the "antithetical process" of oligarchic synthesis that defined modernity starting in 500BC was found to be strongest in society's "changers." The learning about the Dialectic that emerged was far closer to communism as Hegel's anti-abstract teaching and his "antithesis->synthesis" continues to be implemented by radical activists as Hegel's "negation of negation," apparently, with an expectation of failure.
The learning was significant in that it identified a single agent of maladaption in human society in the dialectic. The assumption is, that as the dialectic was implemented in founding of modernity as the socratic method (of alternative thinking), it is both the method and madness of the civilization process, or, more correctly, the civilization of society --presumably aboriginal. This is the codification and enforcement of laws placed on peoples so as to forced to push upward a central organization that is capital, either aristocratic or oligarchic.
Empathic support, neuro-sociology
Evolution has human happiness and morality as an extension of the natural affection of higher animals as described by Darwin in his second great work, The Descent of Man. This empathic view is positive and creates awareness about the benefits of natural humanity, and shows how we can be "good." When I began the empathic model years ago, I understood that it would be naive to think such writing would put things on the right track, and understood that inverses labeled un-empathy and anti-empathy would describe humanity for whom evolution had failed. An objective view of empathy necessitates mental, and brain, functionality to bring beneficial emotions to responsibility. Objectively, this describes the formation of emotionally beneficial constructs in "thinking" parts of the brain from raw emotions in the limbic system. Significantly, what an empathic model suggests is that, if this functionality is missing, then the human is not empathic, and thus well-challenged to be a human. More to the point, those without empathic functionality do not have the interrelational abilities to connect emotionally with other humans: they cannot feel others' feelings.
Even more to the point in our civilized society, they are not burdened with a need for this interrelation as they only see others as "objects," as it happens, for exploitation as from Adam Smith and Ayn Rand's objectivism. This is often described as the disease of Aspergers, though is very likely also a basis for autism: high function autism (HFA). Further, Adam Smith fairly-openly attributes greed as a business motivator, which suggests a manic, or psychotic, component as well. Thus, the idea of "social-neurology."
After many years, Occupy provides a "negativistic" track
For the first time, this departure from the "natural track" was identified in Occupy, specifically betrayals by Chris Hedges and his cohort especially the local Jewish Left yips as Aron Kay and John Penley for full control of Occupy Wall Street. Hedges, after promoting Islamic terror in various articles along with Ad Busters (the occupy creator), became a police informant to disable competing activists who obviously wanted to collaborate,
Chris Hedges' supporting theorists made themselves available on Facebook, and model quickly unfolded (that I never heard of nor could never have imagined). The methodology was described as "putting all the ideas in blender, tossing the result on a table, and constructing revolution randomly from the pieces." With certain philosophic tags, a key player became instantly identifiable: Hegel with is "thesis, antithesis, synthesis." Also in this first description is Socrates' method of introducing the boys of the ancient Athen's markets to a "different idea," which, of course, was the alternate sex practices of what we now are just defeating: pedeophilia.
Now the (necessary) negative view suddenly emerges to balance the equation. Its peculiarities can be found in other civilizations. Professor William Powell (Wisconsin) cited that Confucius had similar "Platonic man-boy" mentoring relationships with his students, and the carvings of ancient Hindu formation show these behaviors carved in "sacred" stone. In the end however, it is impossible to link the platonic mentoring relationship with gay culture; the gay activists I ran with during the early days would no doubt instantly bash such a manipulative practice. This throws doubt onto whether Socrates and Plato, or, for that matter, Confucius were gay as reported; they just used same sex abuse to leverage control over aristocratic students just as countless educators and correctional youth wardens have: a culture of sexual abuse linked directly to the civilizing process. Of course, the incidents "still in play" were against aboriginal youth, considered savages in the civilizing process.
Ancient Athens had already abandoned the civilizing process in its most famous work: Oedipus killed his father and raped his mother; he was so civilized that he became barbarian. The aboriginals were naturally innocent with their visions of God whom Athens had collected in a form of "God democracy." Darwin's knowledge was known when Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle moved to restore civilization, first by aligning with the purely-military Sparta against Athens, and then by creating the model for control (Plato's Republic), and the basis for empiricism (Aristotle's material syllogism that became empire building technology, including psychological).
The dialectical link to the Left is obvious: the material dialectic was, and still is, the cornerstone of communism, especially Marxism. With support from the historical dialectic (workers, the proletariat, are a product of the factory system) the natural human structures of family and community where synthesized into communal units to maximize production. First, there needed to be antithesis of the initial, natural theory human evolution, or, perhaps, God's theory. With this need, Lenin and the Bolsheviks killed millions with starvation through disruption.
Camatte is cited here frequently for his practical advice about the dangers of organization but he is missing something in this single reality; he never rejected Hegel, nor realized that Hegel's economist was Adam Smith, the anti-human objectivist. Camatte's purpose here is to show the power that communism had, and apparently still has: the strenght of proletariat that successfully leverages natural "valor" in humanity. Instead of communism, a birth of socialism is hypothetically identified in the "Pale of Jewish Settlement" a construct of the Jewish humanistic that is so visible, yet was only for Jews. This Jewish humanistic reads nearly-precisely the same as Christianity, and the theory is that some, if not many, Jews left the strict rule-set to introduce the humanistic to the cities of Eastern Europe --just as Christ had done!
This paints a proletariat picture of Christ, with a very flattering of view of peasant Jewish social structure. Much has gone wrong, of course, but my upbringing included a good dose of this humanistic in the rebellious environment of the anti-racism movement, that, if I may say, elected a Black president!
After an initial purely-positive picture painted with empathic brush strokes (via Darwin) gives way to a purely-negative view of dialectical betrayal in Occupy, but then resurfaces as a celebration (in the West, at least) of model of civilization that attempted to implement empathy into codified law that has been at least partially successful as Maslow's "mixed synergy."
This is a performance piece; it is not meant to be a real labor party. What is really meant is a revival of the very good, empathic energies found in "the Pale" that disseminated into Western culture especially in the US. The Christian comparison is only momentary as Christianity is so weighed-down with irrelevant material either added by the Roman empire or revived from the laws Christ replaced with his simple message of love and forgiveness.
Finally, this effort is feeling conclusive, which I hoped for from the outset 2+ yrs ago. With the discovery of the socialist emergence from the "Jewish settlements in the Pale," the pure negativity of academic oligarchy the possibility of scientific rehabilitation in an aboriginal context. Cultural "fleshing" will continue with reprints of currently-relevant recently-historical experiences, often gangster, while "the Pale" experience is solidified upto present revolutionary efforts. The hope is to create a hinge with which to restore revolution as evolution after the excessively long period of oligarchic occupation -since 500BC.
Then, probably, the entire blog will be consolidated and "put to rest" with the first wikified writing about the occupy dialectic two years ago.
Love and forgiveness. Yes. Love and forgiveness. Thank you.