A second part will come soon with more depth on this idea with supporting references, but before that I will post reprints from the earlier 2000s inspired by Carl Rogers (humanistic, 1950s), Lewis Mumford (anti-authoritarian technic, 1930s) and my recent ideas about peace in Israel/Palestine.
Core ideas some of which are "transgenerational by proxy," with strong experiential support with specific memories show, actually, a lifetime of hard work preserving what is going to be gone soon. An abandoned cemetery in the heartland of the southernmost wabanaki, the rockaways, reinforces the story in ways that I could not image when I initially took the pictures. Two headstones in particular, that I could not find again, say that "these were really good people," and the next question can only be "what happened?| Fotos are below.
Perhaps the last memory of this social culture was of a financial systems manager Teddy (from the old mainframe school), who told me that "the purpose of a corporation is to hire people." "Holy f*ck," I thought, "a socialist here on Wall Street." I cannot remember is last name, but from the pictures below of the important cemetery from "the Pale" on Rockaway Blvd, I am going to guess Cohen.
Jewish immigration to the United States in the early 1900s resulted in mutualistic, socialistic, pacifistic, and anti-racist culture that continued into recent memory as the civil rights and anti-Vietnam war movements and, no doubt, helped align the peace-oriented hippie movement towards an aboriginal, well, non-structure. Evidence of these socially-advanced characteristics in "the Pale" is evident in New York City artifacts, and may also increased the anger (and paranoia) of "white" oppressors such as Cossacks (early pogroms) and Nazis (final extermination) by organizing into non-spiritual socialism. This idea used two colors, white (royalist, capitalist) and red (socialist and communist); with this is the black of the non-racist anarchists (Ukraine insurrection), and also green that represents farmers, and perhaps forest dwellers that accompanied black. The green "color" comes as a surprise and is little-understood as greens were often illiterate and left little evidence. Green, as the current environmental newcomer, is culturally ill-defined and dominated by feminists who can be red, white, or black --but not all three. A native relationship with green supported by the pure-freedom of black makes more sense, that is to say, a much better abstraction, as it can include the new-world aboriginals who value individual freedom above other values.
A loving one from us has gone, a voice we love is still, a place is vacant in our home which will never be filled |
I cannot and will not say that he is gone, He is just away |
Over time, the situation does appear to have become increasingly worse probably because of the spiritual deprecation of society, perhaps because of over-civilization --the excess of control. For instance, as Christianity decayed into ritualized rationale for continued Roman-type control with colonialism, Islam actually came to Jews as relief. This relatively new relationship has decayed over centuries, of course, and the view here is that of Oedipus: the "over-civilized" king killed his father and raped his mother to become the barbarian. Decay, corruption, or perhaps de-evolution (devo), seems a predictable outcome for control-based didactic structure, but, still, its last gasp always results in incredible pain usually including genocide. All culture, Jewish and aboriginal included, requires equal treatment or perceptions will be culturally-biased.
Capital, above all, is implicated as devo as it is so reliant on control, propaganda, punishment, and killing animals (unnecessarily) for protein --if not people for control and annexation. Its economic basis is in live-stored protein, livestock, and accounting, stocks and bonds internally-defined (by Adam Smith and libertarians) as "natural human greed." By its "white" definition, it suggests its own solutions: vegetarianism and social/mutual support motivated by empathy replacing capital cruelty and greed. In this trajectory, the colors become useful in defining restorative functionality: "red" (modernizing civilization towards social support, and thus socialism), or "black" returning to the basic human values from millions of years of evolution, the moral empathy from Darwin's natural affection between mammals (and other animals).
- Connecting to the Immigrant Experience (Russian Samovars)
- The Real Jew by Annette and Eugene Labovitz
- Odessa socialism with respect to pogroms (wikipedia)
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