Finally, this effort is feeling conclusive, which I hoped for from the outset 2+ yrs ago. With the discovery of the socialist emergence from the "Jewish settlements in the Pale," the pure negativity of academic oligarchy the possibility of scientific rehabilitation in an aboriginal context. Cultural "fleshing" will continue with reprints of currently-relevant recently-historical experiences, often gangster, while "the Pale" experience is solidified upto present revolutionary efforts. The hope is to create a hinge with which to restore revolution as evolution after the excessively long period of oligarchic occupation -since 500BC.

Then, probably, the entire blog will be consolidated and "put to rest" with the first wikified writing about the occupy dialectic two years ago.

Occupy the (60s) experience:

Without exception, the 60s anti-war and racial and gender equality movements are associated with the humanistic, or experiential, school. While usually linked to the pure humanist psychologist, Carl Rogers, the social version of experience is Synergy developed by Ruth Benedict by studying the successful survival and recovery of aboriginal First Nations. The keyword of experience is "self-actualization" which means that every organism, and especially humans, struggle every day for success and individual identity, and that the enemy of this is "false attunement" which is better described as "lies from above" (often during early childhood) or "didactic" control.

The word "experience" came to the people through the world's best-known guitarist, Jimi Hendrix, as "are you experienced?" But remember it was not all good, Jimi fell backwards down a flight of stairs and choked to death as the result of a synthetic drug overdose.

In my opinion, the failure of the 60s was the use of synthetic drugs, and, as an extension, the trust of synthetic people whom I generalize as "oligarchs" and "aristocrats" to show the timelessness of the cycles of democratic success and failure.

Despite failures, it seems that experience is still the core philosophy of the "demo" or people, and is hence core to democracy's struggle against oligarchy. 

Today experience lives on as the prime direction social science as it opposite, "experimental psychology" or "behaviorism" (think of humans as lab rats) erodes (because it does not work).

While self-actualization is a good way to describe the evolutionary process that continues not only through DNA, but in our everyday lives, and especially the early days of children, the opposite force of didactic control, which is experienced as control form the outside, and especially the "introjection" of false information, has had a significant influence on change movements to this day, including Occupy. To use an early example, the man who created Earth Day also kept his dead wife in a trunk. More recently, I have described personal experiences in which I have been silenced in every single FaceBook Occupy group, as well as some others. Psychologically, this phenomena is also described as "egotism" from the also anti-experiential European psychoanalysis school from 100 years ago (Freud).

If history provides lessons (which is always does, of course) then the logical path for Occupy is to in fact embrace experience and reject "attunement." This is not to say I think the movement should become blindly anarchist, but anarchy ideas should be implemented in the most social way possible which I see as Synergists did, as Aborginal and an emotional relationship with Nature. A good reference is Kropotkin's classic "Mutual Aid."

Thus we can restore democracy for the vast majority, be it 99% or only ~70%. Another key word to look for is "constructivst" (European) in nearly all its forms ranging from education and therapy to Russian art movement. In comparison with experience and constructivism, Synergy remains as purely North American (or Turtle Back) as it was developed from the First Nations experience (in my native region of the Hudson Valley -- I often think of myself as a "tribe of one").

My personal direction for the near future will be a comparison of Experience, Synergy, and Constructivism which I have begun as Saving Constructivism:
This is a work in progress. Its purpose is to bring construTIVism and social constructION up to date so that it can be meaningfully implemented across the board: in education and the social sciences. I think that what is important to understand, is that there are at least two (and probably more) "th...

 ·  ·  ·  · March 30 at 11:42am

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