Finally, this effort is feeling conclusive, which I hoped for from the outset 2+ yrs ago. With the discovery of the socialist emergence from the "Jewish settlements in the Pale," the pure negativity of academic oligarchy the possibility of scientific rehabilitation in an aboriginal context. Cultural "fleshing" will continue with reprints of currently-relevant recently-historical experiences, often gangster, while "the Pale" experience is solidified upto present revolutionary efforts. The hope is to create a hinge with which to restore revolution as evolution after the excessively long period of oligarchic occupation -since 500BC.

Then, probably, the entire blog will be consolidated and "put to rest" with the first wikified writing about the occupy dialectic two years ago.

Occupy game plan:

Note: this is the point when I started to "get it"

Driven from Wall St by unusual police violence, Occupy attempted to occupy Union Sq (14th St.) and joined with the "Million Hoodie March" for slain Florida youth, Trayvon Martin. Occupy announced training, which should prepare occupiers for continued head bashing which probably won't knock any sense into their heads. Occupiers must occupy themselves and attempt democratically create long-term goals that a significant proportion can support if they plan to be anything but human PiƱatas for the capital beast -- which is at least 50% of any financial capital, not 1% as they apparently believe. Here a 1% cop shows sympathy for a protester with head trauma.

"1% cop" assists a traumatized protester

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