Occupying it in terms of the writer's experience
Note: at this point I was sort-of joining the occupy old-school, the faction that allowed let itself be falsely labeled anti-pacifist (that recently got reversed by old- and neo-school patch-ups). I looked back to my early psych writing (which preceded my masters in it) which was empathy-based and hoped to be a manual for empathic action for the Care2.com empathy action group that helped me (and the world) define empathy in social terms. I created this and the Occupy behaviorism articles to help them identify with what I think of as the "normal, democratic majority." This writing adheres to standard psych and will probably be blended with the empathy model that evolved from the original empathy action work.
My life has been a shift from forests and ocean (as a child and youth) to technology to sociology finally arriving at psychology. In going from technology to psychology, I self-built the "empathy model" that easily describes the problems we face in terms of empathy as healthy neurology and un-empathy as the unhealthy counter part -- extending to anti-empathy as the predatory leveraging of no emotional relationship with others or the environment. It is a valid model that easily accepted by others and does what models do: predict results and provide instant benefits. In its total, if formed--independently--many of Carl Rogers ideas but extends them, of course, with the current research in imaging (fMRI) and genetics.
Implementing existing (yet nearly useless) psychology
Shifting to psychology required my learning a whole new, yet obsolete language -- but this is the language used to describe the brain and mental functions, so empathy has to be described in terms of disorders (which are largely only labels). I have to do this for my career (to make my points about empathy), but I have chose to begin here to attempt to apply the ideas to political evolution, because, in my opinion, politics, and with them human behavior, are dominated by mental illness.
The empathy model:
The empathy model specifically defines healthy human interaction as a triumph of evolution that embraces the "intent" of evolution which is seen, for instance, in the parent animals caring for the young, and the beauty of the surrounding environment. (In this model, evolution actually supports the concept of a "God" and a beautiful creation, rather than attempting to replace it with something resembling a computer program.) Most important, human emotionally connected interactions result in collaboration that produces all the good things we have in life. Conversely, those who cannot interact emotionally fall back to a much older form of interaction that we see in predatory gangs, and is found in very simple animals such the Humboldt Squid. Underlying differences between these two resource obtaining (or creating) styles are different thought processes: collaborative thought is highly structured, abstracted, and organized in complex (data) structures; predatory communication is purely digital and sequential (and convoluted and complicated in the human context).
Psychology, on the other hand, does not actually describe thought (as amazing as that may seem). It only describes humanity in terms of mental disorders, which, in my opinion, is a projection of the mental functioning of those in the "academia" of Universities, which, in my experience, is cruel (and thus sick).
So to make a "tool" that can be easily remembered and applied to identify and understand inhumanity in the environment, the practical empathy model has to be blended with existing psychology language to produce a "cheat sheet."
Like all of my work, this writing based on the accepted language of psychology is "constructively" structured (as with a wiki page) and has four components that link directly to three categories of genetic defects, or mutations, and one category that describes damage from the trauma of two of these mutations, psychosis and aspergers.
Three mutations:
1. Psychosis
2. Aspergers
3. Schizophrenia
Present "holes" that are filled w/ maladaption:
- Cruelty
- Narcotics and Alcohol self-abuse
4. Mental trauma:
- complex PTSD (such as child abuse)
- military or shock PTSD (war and accidents)
- temporary mania ("you are driving me crazy")
- depression from sadness, continual disappointment, or pain
Psychosis and Schizophrenia are easily recognized:
In psychosis, the victim is "on fire," or "out of control" often for no apparent reason. Their thought processes can operate with a complete disregard for the surrounding environment. Empathic connection is shut down--they will not listen, are angered easily. Sometimes the empathic shutdown is cyclic as with the "bipolar."
Schizophrenia results from "false signalling" from the front (and evolutionarily newest) part of the brain; what can be called the "executive function" region but is best described in conjunction with "working memory." Long-term LSD victims tend to be schizophrenic, and I have to say that schizophrenics that I know are non-psychotic, are very kind, but say strange things because of this false signalling. (Nonetheless, they can absorb "logical" thought through the emotional interconnection enabled by empathic neurology.)
Aspergers is the most important component:
Aspergers is less easily recognized but is far and away the most important for occupying inhumanity as it is an inability to "feel" the effects of one's actions on others; this means it "allows" for cruelty that is "stopped " in normal people by an actual "feeling" of the damage done through empathic neurology. Beyond this, empathic neurology also allows for feelings of remorse which is an extension of empathic communication that is internal, is conceptually modeled in relation to otherwise-external empathic feelings.
Apsperger sufferers, or self-described as "aspys," are what we think of as "cold and calculating" when they are intelligent, otherwise we may think of them as "mean and stupid." Psychotics see "aspys" as sociopathic, though a sociopath typically suffers from aspergers and psychosis, in other words is "cold, calculating, and out of control."
Aspergers is considered "high functioning" as all parts of the brain work except empathy, and aspys are highly-organized, especially on the Internet. Lacking natural affection, they also lack morality and rely on rules-sets generally termed ethics. These rule-sets are directly descended from the original rules, or controls applied to slaves, which shows that aspys have been organized for a long time, and set humanity on its immoral path.
Asperger organizers specifically refer to aspergers as high-functioning autism, which is also a very important distinction, as autism is quite differently defined by society. To the organized aspy, aspergers is a necessary component of autism. Initially, I identified anti-empathy as autism, but then as an autistic teacher, I learned that autism is a combination of a long list of mental disabilities. However, recently while closely observing and exceptionally cruel and controlling aspy in my area, I saw him "rocking" --which is an autistic "marker." This may be important to identifying the broken DNA component that causes aspergers.
Beyond these simple definitions is the reality that modern civilization has introduced a variety of problems, especially poisoning from cocaine or meth, and pollution that damages mental neurons. The cocaine problem appears to be ancient though, and isolated to the region that is now Latin America in antiquity. There can be show, with current evidence, a correlation between cocaine use and human sacrifice. Cocaine appears to damage empathic neurons as well as causing psychosis in ways that another damaging drug, LSD, does not.
Other disorders, such as ADHD, are not relevant to occupying inhumanity, as these disorders are unrelated to damaged empathic neurons, and, in most cases, do not present a problem outside of the stresses of civilization, which are un-empathic and appear to be the work of the anti-empathic.
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